Wednesday 26 December 2018

Unfortunate malpractice by some hospitals

Hospitals are treated with great honor and respect, and patients blindfolded obey the orders. however there have erupted some harsh stories of money minded hospitals, where they have turned their profession in to money generating factories. 
Cases abound in some hospitals, where caregivers have brought in family members for minor ailments and have been advised to 'rule-out' conditions ranging from bone-cancer to tuberculosis. Doctors at prestigious branded hospitals routinely demand extensive blood-work and nuclear-imaging for a lot of their patients – and when everything comes back normal, the patient heaves a sigh of relief and thanks the Doctor for 'being so cautious'!

The cycle goes on and on, till the unfortunate time a patient actually suffers from a serious underlying condition that needs urgent treatment. Hundreds of tests will be performed. The same diagnostic findings will be corroborated a dozen times, and finally an array of invasive options will be provided to the patient, like a menu card – where perhaps non-invasive options might have been safer and quicker.